Develop your Public Speaking Skills - 6pm (GMT). 5th Jan 2021 - Dublin School of Drama and Communications

Upcoming Classes

Junior Public Speaking 12-15 years – 4.30pm (GMT). 5th Jan 2021
December 7, 2020
pronunciation classes
Level 1 Pronunciation – 3pm (GMT). 17th Jan
December 7, 2020

Develop your Public Speaking Skills – 6pm (GMT). 5th Jan 2021


8 in stock


Start Date: Tuesday 5th January

A five week course that teaches you all the skills necessary to come across well on video calls, presentations and camera. We focus on the delivery skills, body language and other techniques necessary to appear confident and charismatic whether you are chatting on zoom or preparing a video. A professional vocal coach will show you how to use your voice effectively while a camera man will show you how best to set up your room at home using house lighting and backdrops. You will also be taken through basic hair and make up. All essential for on camera presentations.