Overcome your Fear of Public Speaking – 6pm, Rathgar, Dublin 6 – 24th January 2023
November 2, 2022
How to Stop your Child from Mumbling Thursday 26th January 2023 4pm
November 24, 2022Level 2 Pronunciation – 7pm The Carmelite Community Centre, Aungier Street, Dublin 2; 6th March 2023
7 in stock
Start Date: Monday 6th March 2023
Duration: A weekly one hour class for six weeks
Time: 7pm -8pm
Location: The Carmelite Community Centre, Aungier Street, Dublin 2.
Cost: €150
This the second course in our pronunciation series. It is for students who have already completed Level 1 or have advanced pronunciation.
The level 2 Pronunciation Course builds on the foundations of Level 1 and teaches conversational spoken English. We look at the elements that you need to sound like a fluent English speaker. Correct pronunciation is not enough as you need to understand how to use connected speech, word stress and word emphasis correctly in sentences, as well as pitch and inflection. Unlike other language speakers, English speakers do not stress all words equally in a phrase but rather stress the words that are important. All of these techniques are put into practice through poems, scripts and conversations. We use Irish scripts from “Father Ted” so you can practice alone at home.
- Recap of the singe, double and triple vowel sounds along with the consonant sounds.
- Connected speech – how one word impacts on another.
- Rhythm
- Word stress
- Intonation
- Practical implantation with scripts, poems and monologues.
- Accent Reduction
Please arrive 5 minutes early to sign in and find your room.
If you have any questions please feel free to email us on sales@speechdramadublin.com.
“I am currently at Level 2 of the Pronunciation course with Sarah and I am really enjoying it. The subjects covered are really helpful and reflects the real conversations that you can have everyday with native speakers. It really helps understanding some tricks of pronunciation that might be difficult for non native, and the practice with Father Ted scripts make the lessons really funny and really friendly.” Elisabetta Cortisones
For more information on our Pronunciation Courses please click here